big cat fat cat electric bike, electric bicycle, ebike, fat bike. featuring all terrain tires, 350 watt front hub motor and a lithium ion battery pack

Can I Ride My Electric Bike In the Snow?

Although it's not winter just yet, many parts of North America are already experiencing signs of cold weather, freezing rain, and snow! It comes as a surprise to many living in North America because in 2015 it was pretty warm this time of year. I remember spending my Christmas in New York on the balcony of my cousin's house, having a barbecue. I was wearing pants and a t-shirt. Snow did not make its way until after Christmas. It was actually quite scary for me because it was the first time I have ever experienced something like that. 

However, the point is that it's technically not winter and there are already signs that this winter could be a bit brutal, or come earlier than we anticipated. If you're like me who rides a bicycle most of the year, you're probably worried about the cold weather. If you just purchased a Big Cat Electric Bike, you're probably worried about its functionality as well. This post is intended to give you a bit of reassurance and to give you some tips for riding in the cold weather. 

1. Does My Big Cat E-Bike Work In The Snow?

Yes, It does. However, if you're riding in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit you will experience a lower performance from your battery. Avoid leaving your bicycle outdoors in extreme weather conditions like rain, freezing rain, snow, hail, temperatures below 30 degrees. If you are going to leave it our doors make sure you take the battery inside with you to store at room temperature and make sure your port is covered on the bicycle (the port connector that connects when the battery slides into place on the bicycle). 

2. Protective Gear

When riding in extreme weather conditions always take precautions with safety. Make sure you have bright colors with reflective tape at all times, and warm clothing. During the winter drivers have decreased visibility depending on conditions, you will want to make sure you are visible even during the day time. The warm clothing will make sure you do not get frostbite, or enhance your chances of getting ill. In addition, in the events of an unfortunate breakdown, for example, a flat tire you'll want to make sure you are staying warm if that causes a delay and extends your time outdoors. 

Invest in Bar Mitts! 

3. Tools

 Unfortunately, bad things can happen while you're riding. A flat tire, a broken pedal, or a snapped chain are all problems I am too familiar with. The best thing to do is to make sure you have the right tools with you before you leave your home and that they are with you at all times. Being caught in the rain, or snow on a flat tire with no tube or tools for a quick fix really sucks. 

4. Tire Pressure

For the best riding experience use this guide to adjust your pressure to your terrain. 

Soft Conditions: 8PSI

Trails, Dirt: 12-15PSI 

On road or urban riding: 20-25PSI


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